Comfort Grooms

J is a beauty who suffers from extreme arthritis. All of our employees are trained to work compassionately with dogs with different needs and abilities. Dogs like J are treated to comfort grooms.

When working with our oldest clients, or those with extreme medical conditions, or dogs recovering from injuries, we always provide a comfort groom. In these cases, while we always strive to make your dog look as good as possible, the goal is always their comfort over aesthetic.

We work around your pet in a way that keeps them from feeling pain or adding to an existing condition by manipulating body parts or asking them to stand for long periods of time. These pups are given multiple breaks through their stay, and position themselves comfortably, so that we can work around them.

When doing a comfort groom, we always start with the most important parts of the visit, so that if the pet can’t get through the entire visit safely and comfortably, they will at least leave clean, dematted, with their sanitary area trimmed, and a neat pawdicure!

In J’s case, she struggled to stand for more than a few seconds at a time, but was happy to lie down and allow us to work with her that way. She was happy to roll to allow us access to different areas of her body as needed, and thanked us with her endlessly wagging tail.

While these visits require a bit more effort on our end, our goal is to be as kind and gentle to all of our clients as possible, even those that need a little extra love. With EVERY dog we meet, compassion and comfort is what we always aim for.