Rub-a-Dub-Dub, There’s a Dog in the Tub!

My own stinky ladies, Spunky and Abby. Even a groomer can’t escape having dirty dogs!

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And when your dog comes to snuggle you with *THAT* smell, times have gotten desperate. It’s okay. Even though our doors are closed, our hearts are wide open, and we absolute feel for anyone with a stinky Spot.

But, before you throw your dog in the tub for a quick scrub, we want to give you a few helpful hints!

Washing a squirmy or uncooperative dog is no easy feat. Give yourself a leg up by gathering your supplies first!

Gather your supplies before starting! You will need:

*Tub or sink with traction. If you are using a sink with a smooth bottom, lay a towel or washcloth down to provide a safe, slip-proof placed for your precious pup
*Towels. If you think you have enough, get a few more
*Dog specific shampoo (While it is not recommended for regular use, in these unique times, human shampoo and conditioner make an acceptable alternative)
* Washcloth (for cleaning bottoms)
* Fine tooth comb (AWESOME tool for getting eye boogies!)


If you have a shedding breed, brush your dog BEFORE the bath. Trust me, your pipes with thank you!

Your pipes will appreciate a good brush out BEFORE bathing your beauty!

Be very aware of your water temperature. If it feels like a comfortable bath temp for you, it is TOO HOT for your dog. Bring it down a few degrees. A dog will be most comfortable in water that falls between room temperature and your preferred bath.

In a best-case situation, you have a bottle of high quality dog shampoo ready and waiting. If, however, like me, you were caught unprepared, that’s okay! Because dogs’ skin produces oils differently than humans do, if you are using a human shampoo, its best to follow it with a human conditioner to re-balance the moisture distribution to the coat.

Bottoms and boogies! Make sure you are getting the backside real clean, and removing those crusted on eye goobers. Once these areas have been allowed to soak, its MUCH easier to get them clean, and as both are beacons for bacteria, it’s important not to miss these spots!

If you can’t easily remove the eye buildup with your fingers, a fine tooth comb can be a great tool if used gently

Rinse, rinse, rinse! Make sure you get ALL of the product off of your pet. Shampoo left behind will cause itchy, flaky skin and an uncomfortable pup!

A good lather followed by a thorough rinse!

Dry thoroughly, and take your time. One minute of towel drying can save you up to five minutes of blow drying time. When using a hair dryer, make sure you are using a cool temperature setting! Dogs’ sensitive skin is prone to burns, so we want to make sure we are NOT using heated air to dry them!

Don’t Skip This Step!! Brush your dog! Freshly bathed hair locks up pretty quickly, and can actually cause mats or tangles to worsen. Any time you wash your pet, make sure they are being brushed afterward to help keep the coat healthy!

Snuggle time! There is nothing better than snuggling your clean, sweet smelling pup after a bath!

Just to be clear, this particular snuggle happened BEFORE Covid-19. I am currently practicing social distancing and did not take a selfie in the car with my dog today. Just making sure we’re all cool…