Purple Leash Project

I know that this is going to be lengthy, but I have never posted anything quite so straight from my heart, so I sincerely hope you take the time to read this through…

The time has come for us to remove the muzzle on Purple!

Every year, we are approached by many groups, both local and national, requesting assistance in raising funds and awareness. While we want to help everyone, it becomes overwhelming, and we start to feel that we lose passion for the groups in need. We decided that this year, we want to concentrate our efforts on one organization that speaks the most to the hearts of the team here at Clover Pup Salon, which will allow us to really connect with the one group, and make a more substantial difference for the chosen organization

A few weeks ago, our friend and owner of Bardel Bows, Delise Knight, threw out a call to action for grooming salons across the country. She put out several videos talking about an organization that she is very passionate about, and through her passion, we found that purple flame within ourselves.

Enter Purina and RedRover’s Purple Leash Project. 

An estimated one in three women and one in four men experience some form of domestic abuse in their lifetimes, but only ten percent of domestic violence shelters accept pets. As a result, nearly half of victims choose to stay in abusive situations rather than leave their pet behind.    

Over half of victims in shelters are forced to leave their pets behind with their batterers, and over seventy percent of the pet-owning women entering shelters report that their batterer had injured, maimed, killed, or threatened family pets.

The Purple Leash Project is a grant program that will provide funding and resources to domestic violence shelters who wish to accept both survivors and their pets. Their Safe Housing grants fund start-up shelters seeking to create a safe place to allow families and pets to escape abuse together. In areas that DON’T currently have shelters that welcome pets, their Safe Escape Grants pay for boarding and veterinary care to enable those leaving a violent situation to know that their pet is in a safe place.

Delise and Bardel Bows volunteered to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sales of their purple bow packs to the Purple Leash Project. $50.00 has already been donated in the name of Clover Pup Salon.

But that $50.00 is just the beginning. We have decided to match their donation, and continue helping the Project throughout the year.

Every month, we are going to provide another way to bring the Purple Leash Project funds up to help keep people and their pets safe. For the month of March, 2020, for every dog that leaves Clover Pup Salon in purple (bows, ties, bandannas, etc.), we will be donating a dollar to the Purple Leash Project. We are encouraging you to match your pet’s donation with a $1.00 donation of your own.

Let’s help keep our community safe, one groom at a time.

Clover Pup Salon will be submitting donations monthly. If you are interested in donating, you can deliver your donation to the Salon where we will add it to our monthly contribution, or you can donate directly here:

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)